A Longgggg, Hot Shower…

Dan Weber Grateful Blog, News

Grateful Blog: Day 46: I took a long hot shower today. Closed my eyes and let all 40 gallons of bliss run over my head, neck and shoulders. I plugged my ears at one point and eyes still closed I heard the pounding rain of a midnight storm, swirling in the streets ofBardstown,Kentucky. I played a show there a few …

Pre-Steve Jobs…

Dan Weber Grateful Blog, News

Grateful Blog: Day 33: I just read an article online this morning—perhaps you’ve seen it already, about an indigenous tribe that was photographed somewhere in the Amazon rainforest. It’s a bit of a sensation because they’re so infrequently seen or photographed. The article went on to mention that worldwide roughly 100 such tribes are said to exist. There’s probably some …