A Longgggg, Hot Shower…

Dan Weber Grateful Blog, News

Grateful Blog: Day 46: I took a long hot shower today. Closed my eyes and let all 40 gallons of bliss run over my head, neck and shoulders. I plugged my ears at one point and eyes still closed I heard the pounding rain of a midnight storm, swirling in the streets ofBardstown,Kentucky. I played a show there a few years ago at this place called ‘The Bourbon Bar’ at the Old Talbott Tavern. It’s “said to be the oldest western stagecoach stop in America as the westward expansion brought explorers from the east into Kentucky” That funky old historic place supposedly filled with ghosts too. “According to legend, figures straight from the history books sought lodging here during their travels; as a young boy Abraham Lincoln and his family stayed here, Gen. George Rogers Clark, Daniel Boone, and exiled French King Louis Phillipe and his entourage stayed here, even painting murals on the upstairs walls. There are noticeable bullet holes in the now faded paintings and Jesse James is said to be responsible for them.”

In any case, after the show we went to bed but I woke in the middle of the night to a torrential rain storm that felt like it was coming right through the old wavy windows. I thought about all the old travelers on a night like this: the kind where the ‘catch a death of cold’ wasn’t too far from the truth. Today as I was letting the entire hot water heater tank bleed dry I thought about that night, and realized how Grateful I was for the simplest of things today. Hot water. Abundant, clean, really freaking hot water. I may die tomorrow, you never know, but however that happens, I hope whatever version of afterlife (if there is one) has a really kick ass shower. There’s nothing better than cranking it wide open, closing your eyes and letting you head, neck and shoulders revel in that beautiful stream of heat. That’s good stuff…