Grateful Blog Day 105: (this was Saturday’s Grateful Blog…I’m behind…). I saw Hayes Carll in concert on Saturday night. The best part of the show was seeing so many friends there. Four years ago I didn’t know a single one of those folks so that never would have happened back then. But when I got there (late as usual) I first ran into a friend who works at the venue. Hugs, catching up, laughs. I miss seeing her. Then I headed in the theater and found my group of friends. More hugs, catching up, laughs. They had a spare seat and I settled in for a really good show. I sat next to Bonnie who has the world’s best taste I music, Rich passed a flask of ‘Old Weller’ on the sly and dear Cheryl threw crumpled dollar bills at my head during show. You know you’re loved when that happens. So I’m Grateful for that as well as the hugs, the catching up, the laughs, and a seat saved amongst friends. It was a really good show…