Grateful Blog: Day 55: I went to bed sick. I woke up sicker. It shouldn’t surprise me; it’s that time of year you know. And besides, I was in the hospital on Tuesday, surrounded my germs and God knows what else. The thing is I ALWAYS seem to get sick when stress is the worst (who doesn’t?) and usually that means for me, right before an important show. Of course last Saturday night was the release of my new CD, ‘Ash and Bone’. I pretty much resigned myself to my fate of getting sick before hand but then something unusual happened: I didn’t. I felt great. The show was fantastic. Of course it’s still that time of year and there were a number of people there that night who were sick and still in avoidance mode, I tried not to catch it from them. It retrospect it was probably inevitable. But also in hindsight, I regret not hugging them more. They’re the dearest sort of friends and it’s only a cold and you only have your first CD release once. So I’m Grateful today not for the cold, but that it waited a week to let me sing my heart out last Saturday night…