Grateful Blog: Day 35: I woke up today Grateful for the beautiful sunny and unseasonably warm weather that’s continued right into the weekend. Amen for that! Wintertime in the Pacific North-wet can seem like one long funeral procession of gray days and rain that keeps my eyes trained on the ground, ever careful of slippery footing, puddles and getting my glasses wet. Then yesterday the sun came out but honestly I was still used to looking down. That big, bright, yellow shiny object in the sky is a strange, almost disorienting thing. So, still looking down, I suddenly noticed them: The first green shoots of snowbells, with more than a hint of buds, popping their noses out of the ground. So Groundhog’s be damned, while it’ll still technically be winter a while longer, here in the Great Pacific Northwest, the 5 month procession of Spring has just begun and I’ve got to tell you, I’m not only Grateful every year when that happens, I’m just plain relieved. It’s like someone just handed you a flashlight in a dark tunnel and said ‘Don’t worry, just follow the light’…