Grateful Blog: Day 40: (This is yesterday’s blog for the 9th) Day 40 of the blog…whoa…I can’t really believe it’s gone on this long. 40 Days. 40 Nights. This is sort of my ‘new’ testament as it were. I didn’t so much miss yesterday as I ran out of hours. It happens. There was still a lot to be Grateful for though. I met a woman at her house yesterday and we talked. About this, that…and music. It happens now and again but yesterday after talking with her I felt a renewed optimism. The thing is all of our lives are open books if only we’d be willing to share them. It can be scary but it’s oh so worth it because you find yourself forgetting to get back to work or do whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing because you’re enjoying the moment so much. It happened to me in the conversation and I think it happened to her too. She was describing how wonderful it was backstage at the Grand Ole Opry, the night she played there. She said she hadn’t thought of that memory for a long, long time and I could actually see her face light up jut thinking about. That was pretty cool. Then I went back to work and she went back to her life but I was Grateful yesterday that she took the time to share a memory…