Hello Friends!
Well, it’s been 6 months since my last email. A lot has happened since then…
Today I went to the bank and cashed the last US Savings Bond that my Grandma Marion Winterkorn gave me in 1989. She lived through the Great Depression and WWII and gave us grandkids a bond every year for Christmas. I spent all the older bonds she gave me in 1990 to buy my 1st car but this one, for some reason, I waited 30 years to cash. Today was the day it finally fully ‘matured’ and the $100 she spent to purchase this $200 bond was worth $414.72. Wow…
That same year, 1989, is when I set out on my own and left my hometown of Rochester, NY. My Dad was 55 years old—close to my age now. In September he was diagnosed with lung cancer and sadly he died a month ago at home on a cold morning in January. Dad was my hero and a remarkable guy, and I so was honored to give part of his eulogy, no matter how hard that was. I told a funny story about how we got heavy leather hiking boots as Boy Scouts and Dad took us to the local zoo to break them in. He’d read somewhere that getting them wet and walking in them would help. So there we were, walking around with full backpacks and new boots on, wading in the duck pond at the entrance to the zoo, looking totally ridiculous. It’s still funny thinking about it, but our boots did eventually get broken in.
I guess no matter if it’s Grandma’s saving bonds or the lessons that Dad taught us, it’s pretty darn cool that even though they’re gone, they’re still trying to take care of us.
What’s ALSO cool is that after a long-ish dry spell I’m writing new songs again! For a while now I’ve had 40 or more songs to pick from for a new record (or 2?) but the truth is that making CD’s is increasingly complicated/difficult in the age of Spotify, Pandora, etc. I don’t know where that leads me but I am really enjoying breaking out some of the news songs at my live shows and mixing them amongst the older favorites. With a few exceptions I don’t play much off of ‘Ash and Bone’ anymore but I do occasionally love to revisit those songs. Might be time to re-learn a few!
Also THIS:
I know that somewhere along the line you came to a show and let me tell a few of my stories and sing these songs that mean so much to me. Thank YOU! I so appreciate that. I try not to fill up your inbox more than twice a year because I know that’s like. Hopefully I’ll see you at one of these upcoming shows again soon—and hey, bring a friend—they’ll have a blast too!
Here’s where I’ll be playing this March & April:
Sat 3/23 Doverlaff House Concerts, Portland, OR (w/ Dan Dover & Michael Henchman)
Thu 3/28 South Sioux City Public Library, South Sioux City, NE
Fri 3/29 Olde Glory Theatre, Seward, NE
Sat 3/30 Lair of the Swamp Fox, Grand Island, NE
Sun 3/31 Hammond House Concert, Overland Park, KS
Thu 4/4 Whistle Stop Antiques, Belton, MO
Fri 4/5 Bliss Hippy Room at Inspiration Center, Rolla, MO
Sat 4/6 Flying Cat House Concerts, Indianapolis, IN
Sun 4/7 Teutone Music, Ann Arbor, MI
Fri 4/12 Uncommon Ground (Lakeview), Chicago, IL (w/ Earnest & Troubled)
Sat 4/13 Black Hawk Folk Society, Mt. Morris, WI
Sun 4/14 Lake County Folk Club, Grayslake, IL
Sat 4/27 Artichoke Music, Portland, OR (The Whiskey Poets w/ Tom Arnold & Sig Paulson)

I’m working furiously on booking a Northeast tour in September 2019 (New England, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, etc. You name it!
Back to the Midwest (and Mid-Atlantic states) in March-April 2020 so I could REALLY use your help! I’d love to hear where I should try to play, or where you’d like me to play. So many of you have seen me at a House Concert and know how intimate, cool, and an amazing that experience can be. They’re fun and easy to host so if you’re thinking ‘I’d like to have a House Concert!’ drop me a line at: dan@danwebermusic.com—and let’s talk!!
It’s simple, fun and as always, is an unforgettable night for you and you’re friends who come to the show…
Lastly, I wanted to say ‘THANK YOU’ again for all the support. So many great things have happened in the past few years and every bit of ‘success’ I’ve has come because folks have embraced me and I’m so Grateful to all of you who’ve helped me chase my dream a bit. THE most rewarding part is playing the shows and meeting folks all over the country and getting to know them. I meet so many Wonderful people and your hospitality and kind words are what keeps me going. It’s as Simple as that. So ‘Thank YOU!’ for Listening, Reading, Sharing, and Helping me make this long, Crazy musical journey of mine possible…I’m really humbled by your enthusiasm and show of support.
Note: As always, some show details change or are in the process of being confirmed, so check back on the website for info. on specific venues, times, etc. at: https://danwebermusic.com/shows/index.html And you could also might check on my Facebook page as well.