Grateful Blog Day 101: I drove 11 hours to get here. Took the long way by far. Lakeview. Plush. Adel. Denio. Fields. Andrews. Last night around midnight while soaking in the spring, the moon rose orange and slow, shimmering over the Alvord desert playa…it was the most magnificent and indescribable thing. This morning in the sagebrush I just sat and listened while the birds sang to me. The whole desert sings. There are no tricks…you just to keep coming and wait and wait and wait…somewhere like last night and this morning I’m reminded again why I keep coming back, because in all that waiting I always find that my spirit was alive and well all along…you just have to wait. And listen. And sure enough the birds will sing, the moon will rise and your spirit will come alive. After all, there’s so much to be Gateful for…