Grateful Blog: Day 29: You ever have one of those weekends that were so busy that you forgot to relax and have a weekend? Felt yourself late Sunday night thinking about what you’d so if you could just skip work next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? It’s easy to do, right? My wife was watching ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ tonight on TV. If you missed it, it was one of those 2010 moments that centered on a best selling book and subsequent movie about a woman (Julia Roberts of course…) who simply walks away from her hectic life to travel and experience the world for one year. Since I lost track of how many times I’d already blown up my life and done something akin to that already, the point wasn’t so much as lost on me as it was a cautionary tale of being careful what you wish for. It reminded me that not all that long ago I felt that way myself. But the difference this time, vs. the 2 times previous, is that I didn’t actually do it. What I learned in all that running away from my life in my 20’s and 30’s was of course that I was running away from the one thing I can’t run away from—myself. And through it all, I’m Grateful that I’ve learned to be ‘present’ in my own life. Sometimes it’s not easy, and sometimes it’s hard won. Sometimes you’ve got to run away from yourself a few times before you figure it out. Sometimes Julia Roberts comes on TV and reminds you. Sometimes you’ve got to look around and be Grateful for what your life is and write your own book. Maybe ‘Eat, Pray, Love, Nap, Repeat.’ Because halfway through the movie I fell asleep. You know, I’ve got to work on Monday…