1/3 of my Life on my Back…

Dan WeberGrateful Blog, News

Grateful Blog: Day 30: Well hell, 30 days so far. Who knew? Last night was weird. I slept well. I didn’t find myself tossing and turning. But it was decidedly strange. We bought a new bed on Saturday—you know one of those things where you say ‘Let’s just go look but we’re NOT buying one’ moments where you find yourself signing the papers and wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into. Yeah. Then of course began the ‘Now what do we do with the old one?’ problem followed by tipping the delivery guys $40 to help me move it. It was just beer money to me and maybe the same for them but I sensed they were as Grateful as I was. That’s how the new bed went down. Finally I did the math. If we sleep on it for another 9 or 10 years like the last bed we’ll end up spending less than a dollar a day between us for a better night’s sleep. One measly dollar. Pocket change right? Per month that’s like a third of the cost of our cell phones. 25% of what we pay for cable. The list goes on. If I sleep like I did last night that’ll turn out to be a real bargain since I spend roughly 25% to a 1/3 of my life on top of that thing. But still, it was weird. Like new car smell weird. But for a change I slept damn good last night, and frankly, I’m Grateful for that…